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sonicandamy's Records

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Warning: This player is a moron.

Game Level Order Asc Category Division Stat Players Date
Sonic Rush Total Boss Total 27:22:70 22 12-22-14
Sonic Rush Total Boss Sonic 14:56:99 23 12-19-14
Sonic Rush Total Boss Blaze 12:25:71 23 12-22-14
Sonic the Fighters Total Time Espio 3:39:42 6 07-06-13
Sonic the Fighters Total Time Bean 3:32:88 9 07-07-13
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Sonic 0:15:49 19 07-04-13
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Knuckles 0:15:91 18 07-04-13
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Amy 0:15:26 11 07-04-13
Sonic Rush Adventure Total Score Blaze 3,700,000 40 02-29-08
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Espio 0:15:99 10 07-04-13
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Bean 0:16:02 12 07-07-13
Sonic the Fighters South Island Time Fang 0:16:07 11 07-04-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 17 0:03:03 27 03-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 18 0:03:53 25 03-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 19 0:05:25 24 03-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Ring Chain Mission 20 78 11 08-11-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 1 62 13 01-21-12
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 2 1,372 19 05-21-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 3 1,164 19 03-11-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 1 Score Sonic 110,000 40 02-29-08
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 4 48 13 07-07-07
Sonic the Fighters Flying Carpet Time Amy 0:22:23 11 06-14-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 1 Score Blaze 110,000 27 02-29-08
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 5 37 14 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 6 23 14 01-21-12
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 7 51 13 05-18-07
Sonic the Fighters Flying Carpet Time Bean 0:25:25 10 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 8 27 12 01-21-12
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 9 103 13 01-21-12
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 10 325 11 09-11-08
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm Boss Score Sonic 57,000 78 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm Boss Boss Sonic 1:43:40 69 01-12-12
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm Boss Score Blaze 57,000 67 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm Boss Boss Blaze 1:44:93 44 11-07-06
Sonic the Fighters Aurora Icefield Time Tails 0:17:02 15 07-06-13
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 2 Score Sonic 110,000 38 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 2 Score Blaze 110,000 24 02-29-08
Sonic the Fighters Aurora Icefield Time Espio 0:16:42 11 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 5 20 13 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 6 1,244 19 04-24-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 6 19 11 05-18-07
Sonic the Fighters Aurora Icefield Time Bean 0:18:02 11 07-07-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 7 18 11 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 9 30 13 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 10 30 12 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 11 24 10 06-29-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 12 39 11 05-18-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 1 37 12 05-19-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 2 15 12 05-19-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Rex Score Sonic 50,000 34 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Rex Score Blaze 50,000 24 10-08-07
Sonic the Fighters Mushroom Hill Time Espio 0:25:23 10 05-25-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 6 28 11 07-08-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 7 56 10 07-08-07
Sonic the Fighters Mushroom Hill Time Bean 0:27:80 11 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Score Mission 8 1,510 15 05-17-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 10 60 9 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Time Mission 2 0:03:95 23 08-12-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 3 18 12 05-19-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 1 Score Sonic 110,000 33 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 1 Score Blaze 110,000 21 02-29-08
Sonic the Fighters Canyon Cruise Time Espio 0:22:32 9 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 5 47 11 05-19-07
Sonic the Fighters Canyon Cruise Time Bean 0:23:24 11 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 7 68 11 05-20-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 8 1,330 15 03-09-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 9 26 11 05-19-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 10 15 11 05-19-07
Sonic Rush Water Palace Boss Score Sonic 57,000 69 10-14-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 1 44 12 05-20-07
Sonic Rush Water Palace Boss Boss Sonic 1:47:59 55 11-09-06
Sonic Rush Water Palace Boss Score Blaze 57,000 60 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Water Palace Boss Boss Blaze 1:52:72 34 12-18-14
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 2 27 11 05-20-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 2 Score Sonic 110,000 33 02-29-08
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 4 18 10 08-06-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 2 Score Blaze 110,000 19 02-29-08
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 5 25 10 05-20-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 7 24 10 05-20-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 9 38 10 08-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 10 38 9 08-06-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pendulum Score Sonic 50,000 34 10-08-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 3 47 10 07-07-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pendulum Boss Sonic 0:46:40 28 10-19-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 4 3,890 15 05-17-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pendulum Score Blaze 50,000 22 10-08-07
Sonic the Fighters Dynamite Plant Time Espio 0:26:22 9 05-25-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 5 29 10 07-07-07
Sonic the Fighters Dynamite Plant Time Bean 0:24:88 10 05-24-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 7 26 10 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 8 656 15 05-17-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 9 39 9 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 10 30 10 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 11 36 9 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 2 20 13 05-20-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 1 Score Sonic 110,000 33 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 1 Score Blaze 110,000 18 02-29-08
Sonic the Fighters Giant Wing Time Espio 0:24:45 10 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 5 70 10 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 6 32 11 05-20-07
Sonic the Fighters Giant Wing Time Bean 0:21:62 9 07-06-13
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 7 29 9 05-20-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 9 51 10 08-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 11 20 10 05-20-07
Sonic Rush Mirage Road Boss Score Sonic 57,000 69 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Mirage Road Boss Score Blaze 57,000 61 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 2 Score Sonic 110,000 31 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 2 Score Blaze 110,000 18 02-29-08
Sonic the Fighters Death Egg's Eye Time Espio 0:29:89 7 05-25-07
Sonic the Fighters Death Egg's Eye Time Bean 0:19:21 10 07-06-13
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Kraken Score Sonic 50,000 29 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Kraken Score Blaze 50,000 20 10-08-07
Sonic the Fighters Robotnik's Hangar Time Bark 0:02:57 12 05-25-07
Sonic Rivals Egg Lynx Boss Anyone 1:03:99 17 12-23-14
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 1 Score Sonic 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 1 Score Blaze 110,000 20 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Night Carnival Boss Score Sonic 60,000 65 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Night Carnival Boss Boss Blaze 0:24:64 40 01-14-07
Sonic Rush Night Carnival Boss Score Blaze 60,000 59 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 2 Score Sonic 110,000 30 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Haunted Ship 2 Score Blaze 110,000 20 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pirate Score Sonic 50,000 30 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pirate Score Blaze 50,000 21 10-08-07
Sonic Rivals Egg Kong Boss Anyone 2:09:89 16 12-11-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 1 Score Sonic 110,000 32 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 1 Score Blaze 110,000 17 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis Boss Score Sonic 54,000 62 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis Boss Score Blaze 54,000 57 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis Boss Boss Blaze 1:57:43 30 01-14-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 2 Score Sonic 110,000 31 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 2 Score Blaze 110,000 17 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Whale Score Sonic 50,000 29 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Whale Score Blaze 50,000 17 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 1 Score Sonic 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 1 Score Blaze 110,000 17 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit Boss Score Sonic 60,000 62 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit Boss Boss Sonic 1:33:72 44 12-19-14
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit Boss Boss Blaze 1:29:69 29 12-22-14
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit Boss Score Blaze 60,000 56 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 2 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 2 Score Blaze 110,000 16 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Condor Score Sonic 50,000 27 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Condor Score Blaze 50,000 16 10-08-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Tropical Jungle Rings Shadow 215 34 08-05-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 1 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 1 Score Blaze 110,000 15 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Dead Line Boss Score Sonic 51,000 60 10-14-06
Sonic Rush Dead Line Boss Score Blaze 51,000 55 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Dead Line Boss Boss Blaze 0:28:50 42 10-15-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Score Blaze 110,000 16 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Unknown Boss Sonic 2:26:86 28 01-03-07
Sonic Rush Unknown Score Sonic 54,000 33 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Unknown Score Blaze 54,000 28 12-23-06
Sonic Rush Unknown Boss Blaze 2:27:42 26 05-17-12
Sonic Rush Adventure Whiskers & Johnny Score Sonic 50,000 28 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Whiskers & Johnny Score Blaze 50,000 19 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Big Swell Score Sonic 50,000 26 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Big Swell Score Blaze 50,000 19 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Deep Core Score Sonic 50,000 29 10-08-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Score Sonic 110,000 39 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Score Blaze 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 2 Score Sonic 110,000 34 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 2 Score Blaze 110,000 24 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 3 Score Sonic 110,000 35 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 3 Score Blaze 110,000 25 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Special Stage 1 Special Sonic 305 34 01-12-12
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 4 Score Sonic 110,000 35 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 4 Score Blaze 110,000 23 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 5 Score Sonic 110,000 36 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 5 Score Blaze 110,000 27 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 6 Score Sonic 110,000 33 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 6 Score Blaze 110,000 21 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 7 Score Sonic 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 7 Score Blaze 110,000 20 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg Genesis Rings Sonic 48 45 08-05-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 8 Score Sonic 110,000 27 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg Genesis Rings Silver 20 33 04-24-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 8 Score Blaze 110,000 18 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Egg-Wyvern Rings Sonic 20 46 08-05-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Score Sonic 110,000 27 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Score Blaze 110,000 19 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Silver the Hedgehog Rings Sonic 15 48 08-05-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 10 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 10 Score Blaze 110,000 17 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 11 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 11 Score Blaze 110,000 16 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 12 Score Sonic 110,000 28 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 12 Score Blaze 110,000 18 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 13 Score Sonic 110,000 27 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Iblis Phase 1 Rings Silver 31 39 08-05-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 13 Score Blaze 110,000 19 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 14 Score Sonic 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 14 Score Blaze 110,000 20 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 15 Score Sonic 110,000 24 02-29-08
Sonic The Hedgehog Iblis Phase 3 Rings Silver 15 37 04-24-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 15 Score Blaze 110,000 16 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 16 Score Sonic 110,000 29 02-29-08
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 16 Score Blaze 110,000 15 02-29-08
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Time Super Sonic 2:03:36 41 04-12-14
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 1 Rings Shadow 14 35 04-24-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 2 Rings Sonic 26 47 08-05-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 4 Rings Shadow 15 35 04-24-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 12 Rings Sonic 13 45 04-24-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 12 Rings Shadow 10 31 04-24-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 13 Rings Silver 63 26 04-24-07
Sonic The Hedgehog Mission 16 Rings Sonic 20 32 04-24-07

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Player ID: 1368
Hits: 6,147 | Hits This Month: 60 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 1001.52 KB | Time: 0.13s | Printable

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